Advanced UAV (Drone) Forensics
This 3 day course will introduce you to the world of UAV’s and instruct you how to fly a Drone followed by best practices in conducting forensically sound extractions and analysis of UAS data. We also have 1 day cut down course available.

Using leading research and development from Spyder Forensics, this course will introduce you to the world of UAV’s and instruct you how to fly a Drone followed by best practices in conducting forensically sound extractions and analysis of UAS data for use as evidence or intelligence gathering. Attendees will learn how to collect data from within the aircraft using non-destructive processes utilizing industry-standard tools to create forensic collections of storage media that include flight logs, aircraft data, photo, and video files without the need to disassemble the aircraft or controller. Students will then learn procedures in the acquisition of application data found on the mobile device.
Once data has been acquired, attendees will master how to analyze the flight logs and user data using software originally designed to work with these types of structures, gaining knowledge on workflows to connect data between the drone application and the flight data recovered from the aircraft.
This course uses non-destructive processes to extract and analyze the data from all hardware in the UAS including the handheld device, mobile application, and drone. All software used in class can be used in the DFIR lab free of charge and without the need to purchase additional applications to conduct a Drone examination.
Primary Learning Objectives
Become proficient in the extraction of UAV controller data from mobile devices and UAV’s using industry recognised forensic software.
Recognise types of data available from drones, their linked devices and third- party sources.
Conduct forensic extractions of data from the leading drone devices, analyze extracted data effectively to produce reports fit for use in criminal justice proceedings.
Learning Module Outlines
• Introduction to UAV Forensic
o Introduction to sUAS
o Criminal use of UAV’s
o Manufacturersvariables
o Attackvectors–riskstopublicsafety
o Drone adaptation
o Capacity and Capability of drones
o Health and Safety–Handling and seizure
o HealthandSafety–LiPoBatteries
o Linkeddevices–controllerconsiderations
o Digitalvs.PhysicalEvidence
o Packaging/Storageandcontinuity
o Understanding of how flight logs are created and updated
Aircraft power on flowchart.
Components of sUAS
o Componentsandfeaturesofsmallunmannedaircraftsystems(sUAS)o Controlleroptions
§ Mobile and Tablet Devices§ Bespoke flight controllers§ Integrated displays
§ FPV controllers
o Autonomousflights
§ Return-to-home feature
§ WiFi controls
§ Signal interception.
Learning to Fly
o Unpack‘your’aircraft
o Recognizing components within the box
o Basic instruction on flying the drone
Available as both inclass (instructor led) and Virtual (live remote online) courses.
Contact Fulcrum to register your interest in this training, and to schedule a course.